So, I've recently gotten a job at my local yarn store. Dangerous, I know! Everyone I work with is so wonderful and our customers are the best. Plus, along with working in the store I also make samples for our displays! Here is the first one: the Highland Fling using Classic Elite Yarns MountainTop Vista.
The pattern is well written but a little jumbled order wise when you first look at it. Just take a minute, read through it, and you'll understand how it's set up.
With all the working I've been doing at the store this ended up taking me about 2 weeks to finish. It could have easily been done faster if I had more time because it's very easy but looks so impressive when it's done.
Here's how it turned out. I had a lot of fun styling it in lots of different ways on my dressform!
It could also be worn as a hood but of course without a head on my dressform it was a hard look to obtain, lol. I love this shawl/wrap so much I didn't want to give it away! Luckily I can wear it all day at work to show everyone else how great it is.