Ok, so today in Fabrics we embossed velvet! It's SUPER EASY and comes out really nice. Basiclly you pick out a rubber stamp or stamps you want to put on your velvet, place the stamp rubber up, place the velvet face down over it, place a buffer fabric like cotton/muslin over that and place your iron over it and press for 10 seconds NO STEAM! And when you take it off...BAM! It's in your fabric and looking very awesome.
Now, if you find you get holes when you remove it then you might need to get a cheap iron that doesn't steam because it's the steam holes coming through.
Also, you can do this with a lot of pile fabrics. Corduroy, Velveteen, etc. Just keep in mind that you can't wait velvet so your embossing wont come out, but if you wash your corduroy after embossing your pattern will come out. Which is kind cool if you want to change it up!
Pictures of mine coming soon, probably after the weekend.
Ok, not an awesome picture by my phone, but it'll work til I get back to my room after the weekend.